Kaleidraw is a digital and interactive drawing board that is based on javascript libraries for machine learning and in particular on a model called Posenet that, by interfacing with a camera, is able to recognize and track a person's movements.
Through the use of a video camera and a screen, the user can use Kaleidraw to draw lines and shapes by moving only one hand and without using physical tools.
The figures drawn by the user will be reflected and rotated so as to form a final composition in the form of a mandala with the effect of a kaleidoscope.
The figures drawn by the user will be reflected and rotated so as to form a final composition in the form of a mandala with the effect of a kaleidoscope.
Interface and Interaction modality
The initial interface allows the user to choose between three different design modes, which differ mainly in objects, shapes and colors.
The main interface is composed only of an empty table with a uniform background, where the user can draw.
The interaction is described by the user's movements which, depending on their position, speed and complexity, will change the direction and orientation of the drawing.